Podocarpus is a major hit in south florida when it comes to ornamental plants. For many reasons this plant has taken the palm beaches all the way down to the florida keys by storm. The Podocarpus Macrophyllus or more commonly known as the podocarpus maki is a very sustainable hedge that looks great and it is easy to maintain. A great advantage to the podocarpus maki is how much it loves the south florida weather and also the south florida soil. Being drought tolerant is a great advantage this plant posseses in comparison to other hedges. This great ornamental hedge plant can be used as a specimen, a gorgeous privacy hedge or a privacy screen to keep people from looking in your yard. It is a nice thick green hedge that is easy to maintain and very resistant to damage. Also referred to as a podocarpus Yew or Japanese Yew this plant is very popular for its high end look for hedging. With the podocarpus you will not have to worry about any bug or incest problems as they are completely bug free, this offers a great alternative to the ficus. Podocarpus has been a wide hit in the landscape artisan/ professional world and in the common land owners taste who are looking to simple spice up their property with a gorgeous, simplistic ornamental plant, or maybe just find the best available hedge to protect their home and offer them the privacy they desire. The Podocarpus Macrophyllus is one of the best (considered by many) the best hedge plant available today, not only for its dense coverage, but also for its durability. If your true goal is to block out the nosy neighbors or the strangers from a sidewalk there is almost no better hedge than a podocarpus. It offers a quick solution as the growth rate for the podocarpus is 2.5-3 feet a year, and the width of the leaves and the overall diameter of the plant offers privacy coverage without gaps or see through spaces. The podocarpus is also great because it is low maintenance, once fertilized here at Farm Networks you will not need to fertilize your new podocarpus for at least another year, as we use a special, slow release fertilizer that will continue to nourish your plants for an entire year. The trimming on the Podocarpus is also essential to maintain it full and growing evenly, every six months at least 6 inches should be tripped of the top of the plant only to force it to grow sideways and help you maintain the coverage that you enjoy without getting leggy or without your Japanese yew hedge loosing leaves towards the bottom of the plant. The podocarpus maki is very easy to maintain, for the first two weeks they should be watered daily to ensure that their establishment period goes well and they get rooted correctly, after the initial 2 week establishment period your podocarpus will take of beautifully and with all the rain In south florida will grow into a gorgeous hedge that you will just need to admire. Podocarpus from the mountainous area of Japan and China is very exotic and a very distinct hedge.