Podocarpus is the preferred upscale privacy hedge
Take a stroll around coral gables florida or observe the gorgeous hedges of palm beach and you will find great looking privacy hedges. If you look closely you will realize without being an ornamental plant expert or without any wholesale plant nursery experience that there is a new privacy hedge king in town- this is the podocarpus Maki or the podocarpus macrophyllus or as referred to by street name the Japanese Yew Podocarpus, this is a simply reason and it is no secret why the podocarpus is so successful, the gorgeous podocarpus hedge is white fly resistant, drought tolerant and salt tolerant, but most importantly it grows great In this florida heat! South florida podocarpus are great because the podocarpus loves the weather we have in south florida, they do great in the humidity and do amazing in our radiant sun. Podocarpus is seen in many mansions and as hedges in many upscale neighborhoods for a reason. As a privacy hedge podocarpus is preferred by the wealthy and fancy for its slick appereance. Planting podocarpus is not difficult and maintaining it after it is established is minimum work and supervision. Call your wholesale podocarpus nursery in Miami, homestead today Farm networks LLC serving all of south florida for your gorgeous podocarpus delivery.
Take a stroll around coral gables florida or observe the gorgeous hedges of palm beach and you will find great looking privacy hedges. If you look closely you will realize without being an ornamental plant expert or without any wholesale plant nursery experience that there is a new privacy hedge king in town- this is the podocarpus Maki or the podocarpus macrophyllus or as referred to by street name the Japanese Yew Podocarpus, this is a simply reason and it is no secret why the podocarpus is so successful, the gorgeous podocarpus hedge is white fly resistant, drought tolerant and salt tolerant, but most importantly it grows great In this florida heat! South florida podocarpus are great because the podocarpus loves the weather we have in south florida, they do great in the humidity and do amazing in our radiant sun. Podocarpus is seen in many mansions and as hedges in many upscale neighborhoods for a reason. As a privacy hedge podocarpus is preferred by the wealthy and fancy for its slick appereance. Planting podocarpus is not difficult and maintaining it after it is established is minimum work and supervision. Call your wholesale podocarpus nursery in Miami, homestead today Farm networks LLC serving all of south florida for your gorgeous podocarpus delivery.